The Dean Student Welfare office at MM(DU) works in collaboration with all the Departments of MM(DU) to provide equal learning opportunities to students with disabilities.
Policy Points:
The MM(DU) has formed its policy considering various aspects relating to disabled faculty/staff and students, including:
- The scope of the definition of disability has been expanded to include both physical as well as social disabilities
- Providing facilities like lifts/rumps/wheel chairs in various buildings
- Providing special washrooms for such students and faculty
- Providing human assistance at various places like library, reception etc.
- Provision of screen reader and other facilities on the MM(DU) website
- Identifying, locating and reaching out tostudents labelled with disabilities
- Providing special education services for all such enrolled students
- Ensuring teachers are adequately qualified, trained and sensitized to teach students with disabilities
- Ensuring that students with disabilities are not suspended or expelled at rates higher than their typically developing peers